Letter To My Younger Self…

Dear Me in 2010,

I am sitting here 10 years later and there are some things I think you really need to know! There will be a time when you can worry less when it comes to your finances, all the time and thought you put into budgeting your finances and not incurring new bills will pay off! You can breathe a little easier down the road. You will eventually be paid your worth, your hard work, dedication, and zest for knowledge all contribute to the level of success you’ve accomplished in just 10 years. It’s almost mind blowing how blessed you’ve been in your career and in life in general! And last but certainly not least you will grow to love Michigan and consider it your home! I know this is the one thing you were still leery about 10 years ago, you were constantly looking for jobs in other states and convinced you wouldn’t be here 5 years let alone a total of 12 years! You let down your walls and you let people in. You gained lifelong friends and you allowed them to get to know the real you. You explored the city and all it had to offer, you attended sporting events with true Detroit fans and you couldn’t help but silently then boisterously becoming a fan of the home team yourself! God led you out of your comfort zone by offering you a job in a State you’d never visited, where you had no friends or family member nearby. But what you don’t know now is that as you open up to other and develop new relationships God will bring familiar faces to you just when you need a piece of home. You will have two Sorority Sister from college who will move to where you are at different times but their departures and arrivals will be perfectly in God’s timing. Your presence locally will also give them solace during their time away from family and other friends. Surprisingly enough you’ll even get family members to move and to remind you that you don’t have to be a loner and that you can count and depend on others as they can depend on you. What I want you to know is that everything will be ok! You will grow by leaps and bounds and you will be proud of the woman you will grow to be!

-Simpli Staci

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