Personal Finances

It is 2020 and there are numerous websites and apps that provide valuable resources when it comes to personal finance and I’m going to list a my top 2 that I’ve found helpful for me and my clients over the years.

  •  I’ve been using Mint for years and not only does it keep track of your personal finances it also reminds you when you are exceeding your budget or when a bill is due! It provides comprehensive personal finance management, from budgeting to setting and monitoring goals, and the site automatically tracks banks, credit card, investment accounts, and loans!
  • The best part is that it’s Free! Clink on the Logo above to learn more and sign up!
  • Next up is You Need A Budget (YNAB). YNAB promises to teach you how to prioritize and plan, so you have money for the things that are most important to you—whatever they are.
  • I have personally used this software some years back and I really enjoyed it. Over time the software and resources have gotten even better. If this has piqued your interest at all please check it out at the link above. just click on the logo.
  • This site offers users an extensive array of educational materials, including free workshops, video tutorials, and even an ultimate get started guide to budgeting.
  • There is a 34 day free trials which allows you just over a month to see if this budgeting tool works for you before you spring for the full membership with two different pay options. There is the monthly fee of $11.99/ month or if you splurge and pay for the year up front it is $84/ annually. Paying for this annually saves you approx. $5/ month and $55.88/ year.

On average, new budgeters save $600 their first two months, and more than $6,000 their first year.

Imagine how much you could save!


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